Our training

Training on software packages Sage 100cloud, Sage Pay, Sage 50cloud…..

WAYSOFT provides training on Sage management software packages to fully develop the skills of your employees with a view to obtaining a return on investment in management software packages.

All the courses offered can be carried out intra-company, inter-company or remotely

All of its training is carried out by consultants approved by the publisher Sage.

WaysUp is Labeled Datadock

Because the quality of our training is particularly important to us, we have made it our commitment.

WAYSOFT is certified to comply with the requirements of the Quality Order.
It meets the 6 quality criteria for a training action defined by the Decree of 30 June 2015 on the quality of the actions of continuing vocational training:

  • Accurate identification of the objectives of the training and its adaptation to the trained public;
  • adapting reception, educational monitoring and evaluation arrangements to trainee audiences;
  • the adequacy of the teaching, technical and coaching resources to the training offer;
  • Professional qualification and ongoing training of training staff;
  • The conditions for informing the public about the training offer, its access times and the results obtained;
  • taking into account the evaluations made by the trainees.
What is DataDock?

A unique database that references vocational training organizations from a quality perspective.
Proof of a good application by the structures of the criteria and requirements set by the Act, in the quality decree. It specifies how training funders (Certified Joint Collecting Organizations, or OPCAs) must ensure the ability of organizations to deliver quality training activities

Learn more about The DataDock.

What are the benefits for you?
The guarantee of quality training
Easier funding for your training by your OPCA, in your training plan and/or your training account (CPF)
Increased legibility and visibility of our training offer

The referencing of training organizations, how does it work?

Funding by OPCA

The OPCA (Accredited Joint Collector Organization) is responsible for collecting and managing the contribution of companies in the financing of vocational training.

Companies participate in the financing of the continuing vocational training of their employees by directly financing training actions and by paying their contribution “training”.

Not all companies have the same training financing obligations: they differ depending on whether you employ fewer than 11 or 11 or more employees.

Funding by OPCA

State-approved collecting bodies are responsible for managing “training” contributions from companies.

WAYSOFT is an accredited Training Centre under accreditation number 11755659775 and under the Accreditation Number Datadock 0052060.

These contributions allow WAYSOFT to fund your training projects.

You can download the training programs needed for support on the following link.


Intra-company training is a session organized only for the employees of your company, either in your premises or in a room that you have made available or rented for the occasion. It is up to you to choose the date of the training according to the availability of your employees.

We are able to intervene all over France and beyond.

The benefits of intra-company training:
  • Brings together only the employees of your structure
  • Program tailored to specific needs
  • More attractive rates if training is provided for a large number of employees
  • The internship is carried out in your premises and allows the trained to be close to their workstations (in case of an emergency to manage for example)


Inter-company training brings together employees from different companies in the same session. Dates are usually set in advance by the training organization that organizes it on its premises.

The benefits of inter-company training:
  • Advantageous price based on the number of companies participating in the sale
  • Program tailored to specific needs
  • More attractive rates if training is provided for a large number of employees
  • The internship is carried out in your premises and allows the trained to be close to their workstations (in case of an emergency to manage for example)
  • Experience shared between employees of different companies and industries.
  • The logistics organization of the company is outside the company


Distance training as its name suggests can be dispensed from anywhere in the world and can be achieved quickly with the Teamviewer solution which is a tool made to simplify screen sharing and taking control of a position at distance,

The installation is simple, whether on Windows, Mac or Linux, it takes less than 5 minutes.

The benefits of distance learning:
  • Training in any part of the world without constraint, an Internet connection is enough
  • The trainee stays in the environment he wants
  • Training can be carried out quickly by our teams without any logistical problems
  • No travel expenses associated with the mission

Do you want to be trained on one of our management solutions?
Please complete this questionnaire, we will remind you as soon as possible.

Sage Business Cloud

Compta & Facturation

Une solution comptable de bureau performante comprenant la gestion de la facturation et des flux de trésorerie

*25% de remise les 3 premiers mois soit 18,75€ au lieu de 25€/mois
  • Créez vos factures de ventes
  • Gérez vos dépenses et vos recettes
  • Connectez votre compte bancaire
  • Consultez vos rapports et tableaux de bord
  • Automatisez la gestion de votre TVA
  • Personnalisez votre plan comptable

Sage Business Cloud

Compta & Facturation Start

Une solution comptable de bureau simple comprenant la gestion de la facturation et des flux de trésorerie

*25% de remise les 3 premiers mois soit 6,75€ au lieu de 9€/mois
  • Créez vos factures de ventes
  • Gérez vos dépenses et vos recettes
  • Connectez votre compte bancaire
  • Consultez vos rapports et tableaux de bord
  • Automatisez la gestion de votre TVA
  • Personnalisez votre plan comptable